
Grades  9 - 12

Ressources for Level I coaching

Best practices & certification

We recommend to practice few drills then
finish the last 10-12 minutes of the lesson with a scrimmage.


Select at least 2 goalkeepers and divide your class in 4 to 6 groups (of 5 players).
Every 3 minutes, call the next  2 groups on the court.


Introduce the rules progressively

Day 1
. We can hold the ball 3 seconds.

. Allow to shoot stem shots and jump shots always outside the 5 metres line.

. Students learn the free-throw (defense stays at 5 meters and offense backup 3 steps)


Day 2
. We can move with the ball ( 3 steps: Left – right – left or right-right- left).
. After 1 dribble the player can have 3 more seconds or/and 3 more steps.

. There is NO rebound if a shoot hit the wall behind goal. It is a goalie’s throw.


Day 3
. After a goal, there is a face off in the middle of the court.

. We introduce the jump shot over the crease.

. When the ball leaves the court (side line): Students learn how to make a throw-in.

. There is no body contact allowed over the crease otherwise it is a  the penalty shot. (Add a 6 meters line)

Learn to pass the ball quickly

4 defenders tries to intercept the bouncing pass vs 8 players


2 players on 1 defender 
The defenser tries to
intercept the bouncing pass
in a small square or circle

3 players on 1 defender
Players must pass the ball within 1 second.

3 players on 2 defenders
in a small square or circle

4 players + 1 pivot (middle of square)
vs 3 defenders 
(could be use for warm-up)

3 backs & 2 pivots (stationary)
vs 3 defenders 

Score is as follow:
Number of interception/turn-overs  vs  Number of successful passes to pivot

Introduce quality shooting
Stem shot or straight shot
Practice for 15 minutes
then scrimmage

Introduce quality shooting
Jump shot
Practice for 15 minutes

Right handed jumps off the left foot
Left handed jumps off the right foot

1 on 1
Fake to go left
then go right

On 3 steps

Notice that left handed student do 
the same technique but
will fake to go right then left - right - shoot

It important to catch the ball while the feet don't touch the ground
because when the feet lands the referee count as step 0 
(so the advantage is to have 3 steps to move)

1 on 1
Fake to go right
then go left

On 3 steps

Can be done with or without a dribble after the fake

Learn to intercept
the long pass

Rotate the players passing the ball
every  3 interceptions

Learn to block jump shot

Rotate the defender at each block

Collaboration blocker-goalkeeper

Rotate the defender if NO GOAL

10 minutes of high shots
Improving goalkeeper techniques

10 minutes of low shots
Improving goalkeeper techniques

Congratulations !
You have finished the Level 1 coaching

In order to receive your certificate, you must complete the following form.